Friday, December 5, 2014

Ep.014.5 - The Real Housewives of Yaxzon Jackson: Dangerous Reunion

Trying out something new tonight... the wrap-up show is going to broadcast live, then archived on YouTube. If you can figure out how to watch and ask question, feel free.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ep.014 - "Dangerous"

Put on your safety boots because we have finally reached the most dangerous track on Dangerous... "Dangerous."  The song itself isn't very dangerous, it just signals that Yaxzon Jackson has now passed into a realm of the unknown. How will we wrap up our coverage of this album? What Michael Jackson project will we dive into next? Will there be questions marks? Keep an eye on this space or find us on twitter (@yaxzonjackson) for answers.

"Dangerous"  Track 14 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 2hr 9min)

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ep.013 - "Gone Too Soon"

On this episode, the YJ team wrestles with how to approach judging and rating Michael's emotional tribute to Ryan White, the youngster who died of AIDS in 1990. It's a semi-nude battle royal of music criticism featuring the King of Pop, and you can listen to it right now on the Psychic Friends Network for the low price of $0.00!

"Gone Too Soon" - Track 13 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length, 2hr 7min)

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ep.012 - "Keep The Faith"

For those keeping the faith that Yaxzon Jackson would return to a two-host format with no guests, your prayers have been answered. For those keeping the faith for another guest for Rollie and James to focus on instead of their incessant non-Michael Jackson-related patter, you can go ahead and keep keeping that faith, kid. Also, word up!

"Keep The Faith" - Track 12 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 1hr 48min)

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Ep.011 - "Will You Be There"

Beethoven, Keiko the Whale, and Jesus Christ did not return our phone calls, so instead we had schpeschial guescht Kirk Howle of The Schlock Treatment Podcast join us to discuss MJ's epic (read: long) theme from Free Willy in what will surely be an epic (read: long) episode of Yaxzon Jackson. It's a whale of a show! It's a killer whale of a show!! It's a free killer whale of a show!!!

"Will You Be There" - Track 11 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 2hr 30min)

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ep.010 - "Give in to Me"

This special episode features special guest C. LeMar McLean of Marz Daily Media discussing special guest guitarist Slash's contributions to this Michael Jackson tune that is very special (in New Zealand). Is the dark and bitter "Give in to Me" misogynistic, a work, or just lazy songwriting? Listen to Episode X to find out about finding out.

"Give in to Me" - Track 10 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 1hr 58min)

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ep.009 - "Who Is It"

Guess who's back. Have you guessed yet. Was I referring to Michael Jackson or was I referring to Yaxzon Jackson. Are you wondering why neither Michael nor Yaxzon Jackson uses question marks anymore. Do we really need all that punctuation. What's your favorite MJ song anyway. Is it "Who Is It."

"Who Is It" - Track 09 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length - 1hr 45min)

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Ep.008 - "Black or White"

This time around we cover Dangerous' first and only #1 US single which was backed by a controversial video with an epic premiere. Our episode concentrates mainly on the studio track, but we welcome a deeper discussion of the video in our Tumblr comments section. We're also keeping our eyes peeled on Twitter for your thoughts and questions thoughts using #yaxzonjackson .

Without further adieu, EAT THIS...

"Black or White" - Track 08 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 2hr 12min)

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Friday, October 10, 2014

Ep.007 - "Heal the World"

Last week's star-studded episode raised approximately 9.8 mijillion bitcoins for the Yaxzon Jackson Foundation, which was founded to stop Rollie and James from arguing in front of all the world's children. Please share this episode with as many friends as you can because there's obviously still a long way to go!

Also, if anyone can solve the show's iTunes problems, please speak up in the Tumblr comment section and be rewarded with virtual hugs (approximate value: zero bitcoins).

"Heal the World" - Track 07 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 2hr 16min)

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Friday, October 3, 2014

Ep.006 - "Can't Let Her Get Away"

This week, the Yaxzon Jackson podcast dives into a deeper cut from Dangerous. Is it a hidden gem from multi-instrumentalist Teddy Riley or just dated 90s filler? The results may not shock you at all!
Also the YJ team brings back its wildly popular segment "Interruption by a Mail Delivery." Oh, and look, a comment section!

"Can't Let Her Get Away" - Track 06 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 1hr 38min)

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Ep.005 - "Remember the Time"

Do you remember the time when we recorded this episode of Yaxzon Jackson and then immediately uploaded it to then linked to it on Tumblr which triggered an update on the Feedburner page which is how the podcast eventually ended up on iTunes which you listened to on the beach in Spain? Do you?

"Remember the Time" - Track 5 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 1hr 44min)

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Ep.004 - "She Drives Me Wild"

Yaxz-n-Effect is back to discuss this horn-y Michael Jackson cut. Is it dangerous? Is it generic? Or is it something in between? Feel free to share your opinions at so we can make our episodes longer and longer!

"She Drives Me Wild" - Track 4 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 1hr 48min)

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ep.003 - "In The Closet"

There's something we have to say to you. If you promise, you'll understand. We cannot contain ourselves when in your presence (though we managed to cut it off at the 2-hour mark). We're so humble. Download us. Don't hide our love. Boyz II Men.

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"In The Closet" - Track 3 - Dangerous - 1991
(approximate episode length: 2hr)

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Friday, September 5, 2014

Ep.002 - “Why You Wanna Trip On Me”

The song title may not end with a question mark, but the Yaxzon Jackson crew has all the answers on this slimmer and trimmer second episode. You may continue (or start) contacting us at or check out on iTunes now that we're an officially approved podcast, and of course, thanks for listening as we continue to work out the audio kinks.

 "Why You Wanna Trip On Me" - Track 2 - Dangerous 1991
(approximate episode length: 1hr 33min)

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Ep.001 - “Jam”

On what would be Michael Jackson's 56th birthday, we present the first official episode of the Yaxzon Jackson podcast. We're aware of some audio problems, so bear with us as we work to correct that in subsequent episodes. There's a comment system at the bottom of each tumblr post, or feel free to contact us at Thanks for listening.

Track 01 - Dangerousl - 1991
(approximate episode length: 1hr 51min)

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